How to help

ML is a complex disease. Finding a way to cure it or ameliorate its symptoms has been a daunting task for scientists all over the world for more than 50 years now. But with the amazing scientific progress that is happening nowadays we hold hope that nothing is impossible. 

You can help us by making an earmarked donation to the MPS Gesellschaft Deutschland. The “Gesellschaft für Mukopolysaccharidosen e.V.” is an officially registered self-help organisation that is well experienced in collecting and managing donations for medical purposes and is supported by a Scientific Advisory Board with regard to granting donations.

On the website of the MPS e.V. you find a donation form which you can fill out to make a transfer using either SEPA or PayPal.

On this form please choose “Mucolipidosis” from the drop down menu as payment reference, so as to make sure your contribution is designated exclusively for ML research.